dilluns, 25 de novembre del 2013


SIMPOSI MEDICAMENT HOMEOPÀTIC - Barcelona - 8 novembre 2013, Sala d'Actes del COMB
El passat 8 de novembre, l'European Committee for Homeopathy i la Secció de metges homeòpates del Col.legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona (COMB) van organitzar un simposi internacional sobre el futur dels medicaments homeopàtics a Europa.
En aquests moments a la major part d'estats de la Unió Europea, i també al nostre, una gran part de medicaments homeopàtics estàn despareixent del mercat o estan en risc inmediat de desaparèixer, sigui per què les Agències del Medicament dels estats membres no estàn aplicant els criteris de qualitat específics pels medicaments homeopàtics, sigui per què estàn aplicant unes taxes per a cada medicament que els laboratoris no poden assumir, i ho estan aprofitant per retirar els no rendibles.
He resumit les ponències que he considerat de més interès general.
Sra Marie- Anne Mouyart (HMPWG) (Grup de Treball de Productes Medicinals Homeopàtics) que depèn de la Direcció de la Agència Europea del Medicament.
S'han establert uns criteris de documentació i justificació per tal que una substància es pugui considerar d'ús homeopàtic, i per tant es pugui registrar com a producte medicinal homeopàtic.
En relació a la Directiva 2001/83/EC sobre productes medicinals homeopàtics, l'HMPWG ha adoptat una primera llista de soques (substàncies o tintures mare amb les que es preparen els medicaments homeopàtics.
Un dels objectius de l'HMPWG és compilar una llista al més completa possible, donat que el futur i la qualitat de l'homeopatia estan en relació amb la disponibilitat d'un ampli nombre de soques ben definides amb una qualitat que garanteixi la producció de medicaments homeopàtics segurs.
Un element clau és una definició i caracterització correcta de les soques, i per alguns medicaments homeopàtics les Farmacopees francesa i alemanya tenen discrepàncies.
L'HMPWG també ha publicat ja documents relacionats amb el projecte FSD (primera dilució segura) al lloc web de l'HMA (Direcció de l'Agència del Medicament).
* Els documents de l'HMPWG estan disponibles al lloc web de l'HMA www.hma.eu/79.html

Sr Nand de Herdt (expresident de l'ECHAMP, Consultor de la UE per temes de les Medicines no Convencionals)
Els darrers anys, la disponibilitat dels productes medicinals ha estat centre de discussió a la Unió Europea. El 2010, el Parlament Europeu va fer un informe sobre les diferències de preus i accés als productes farmacèutics a la Unió Europea. La legislació i en especial l'absència de capacitat d'avaluació de les agències del medicament petites i mitjanes és un dels motius principals dels problemes de disponibilitat i accessibilitat a tota la UE.
Fins ara, els productes medicinals homeopàtics no han estat en el focus d'aquests informes i conferències. Això ha de canviar en un pròxim informe de la Comissió Europea que es farà públic abans del final del 2013.
A resultes de un “suggeriment informal” de l'anterior Comissari europeu de Salut i Consum, l'ECHAMP va encarregar dos estudis independents que es van començar a fer el 2010,sobre els productes medicinals homeopàtics i antroposòfics, investigant la demanda, disponibilitat, legislació europea i entorn normatiu.
L'informe conclou que:
Hi ha dèficits en l'aplicació de les normatives juntament amb uns requisits desproporcionats i exageradament cars, amb un pes administratiu excessivament pesat de la legislació comunitària.
Cal garantir no tan sols la qualitat i la seguretat sinó també la disponibilitat dels productes medicinals homeopàtics, que assegurin la llibertat de prescripció de desenes de milers d'homeòpates i dels milions d'usuaris d'homeopatia a la Unió Europea.
Per primer cop, un informe europeu oficial posarà l'atenció als problemes de disponibilitat dels productes medicinals homeopàtics als estats membres de la Unió Europea.

Dr Michel Van Wassenhoven, vicepresident del GIRI (Grup Internacional de Recerca Infinitesimal) des de 1996 i President del Comitè belga de registre de medicaments homeopàtics (Servei Públic Federal de Salut Pública) des de 2002.
El registre i l'autorització de un medicament homeopàtic a Europa requereix diversos tipus de dades científiques, entre les quals hi ha la documentació de l'ús homeopàtic de la sustància en concret. En quant als aspectes clínics, hi ha les publicacions tant històriques com actuals sobre la verificació de la informació continguda als Repertoris (vademècums homeopàtics) i les Matèries Mèdiques (monografies i tractats clínics amb tota la informació sobre cada medicament homeopàtic).
La recerca fonamental recent i en curs està començant a aclarir possibles vies i modes d'acció dels medicaments homeopàtics, que també s'adjunta a la documentació disponible.

-CONTRIBUCIÓ DE L'ECH AL HMPWG (grup de treball dels medicaments homeopàtics) el 2013.
Dra Fruzsina Gabor, farmacèutica especialitzada en qualitat farmacèutica i microbiològica, doctora en biofísica; coordinadora del subcomité de farmàcia de l'ECH
L'ECH va crear un grup de treball format per membres de diferents subcomitès per enviar informació al HMPWG respecte a diverses consultes públiques:
la 1ª va ser comentar la llista de 35 medicaments homeopàtics,
la 2ª consulta va ser el document sobre la FSD (1ª dilució segura) de Rheum i de Chamomilla,
la 3ª va ser sobre “llista de termes homeopàtics”.
S'ha fet una reunió conjunta a París sobre els aspectes més generals i la col.laboració futura. Hi ha molta feina pendent i en curs.

Sra. Sato Liu, secretària de la Federació Europea d'associacions de pacients homeopàtics. Des de finals dels anys 80' ha estat defensant als Parlaments tant al Regne Unit com al Parlament Europeu el dret dels pacients homeopàtics a la llibertat d'elecció del tipus de medicina i a l'accessibilitat i a la disponibilitat dels medicaments.
Fan campanyes per la lliure elecció i accés dels pacients als tractaments en medicines complementàries i alternatives dins els serveis nacionals de salut.

Finalment, el Dr Todd Hoover, representant de la Farmacopea Homeopàtica dels Estats Units (HPUS) va coordinar una taula rodona de tots els ponents sobre el PANORAMA DE FUTUR DELS PRODUCTES MEDICINALS HOMEOPÀTICS A EUROPA.


El Dr. Michel Van Wassenhoven (Bèlgica) ha coordinat un estudi internacional amb 1.692 pacients (919 adults i 773 nens), en el qual hem participat, amb les següents conclusions:

-3 de cada 4 pacients seguien prèviament un tractament convencional que no els satisfeia.

-Els motius de consulta eren majoritàriament de llarga durada.

-El primer motiu per buscar tractament homeopàtic era la recomanació de parents i amics.

-Nivell molt alt de satisfacció per la relació metge homeòpata/pacient

-Aprop del 50 % dels adults i el 38 % dels nens seguien prenent medicació convencional (durant els 6 mesos que va durar l'estudi)

-El segon motiu de la satisfacció dels pacients és canvis positius en les escales de qualitat de vida i en les escales d'incapacitació per les malalties (classificació ICPC)

-El primer motiu és la percepció de l'homeòpata com competent.

-Pels adults el tercer motiu és el temps dedicat al pacient i pels nens el grau d'informació que se'ls hi dóna.

divendres, 1 de novembre del 2013


OBERT AL PUBLIC  -  D'especial interès per a farmacèutics.  En anglès.

El proper divendres, dia 8, de 4 a 7'30 de la tarda, hi haurà un Simposi sobre el present i el futur dels medicaments homeopàtics a Europa, amb la participació entre d'altres del President de l'European Committee for Homeopathy, del responsable de la Farmacopea Homeopàtica dels Estats Units, de la portaveu del Grup de treball dels medicaments homeopàtics de l'Agència Europea del Medicament i de la coordinadora de les associacions de pacients homeopàtics europees.
L'entrada és lliure però cal inscriure's abans per capacitat de la sala i coffee-break. L'idioma serà l'anglès.
Com secretària de la Secció de metges homeópates del COMB ho estic coorganitzant. Si voleu assistir-hi, sisplau m'ho comuniqueu.
Dra. Anna Pla

ECH Symposium Barcelona - Viernes 8 noviembre 2013, COMB
16.00 a 17.30 (conferenciantes invitados)
16.00 – 16.15: Introducción y presentación por el Dr Thomas Peinbauer (presidente del ECH )
16.15 – 16.35: Sra Marie- Anne Mouyart (HMPWG) (Grupo de Trabajo de Productos Medicinales Homeopáticos)
La justificación del uso de la homeopatía en el contexto de la legislación de la UE sobre productos medicinales homeopáticos: un reto para el futuro de la homeopatía y la protección de la salud pública.
16.35 – 16.55: Dr Renzo Galassi (presidente de la LMHI )
La definición del medicamento homeopático de la LMHI
16.55 – 17.15: Sr Nand de Herdt (presidente del ECHAMP past president, Consultor de la UE para temas de las Medicinas no Convencionales)
La disponibilidad de los medicamentos homeopáticos
17.15 – 17.30: Sr Jack Hendrickx (farmacéutico)
Banco de Remedios – ¿un modelo para asegurar la disponibilidad de los productos medicinales homeopáticos en Europa?
17.30 – 18: pausa café
18.00 a 19.30 (ponentes del ECH )
18.00 – 18.15: Dr Michel Van Wassenhoven, ex coordinador del subcomité de investigación del ECH
Contribución de la investigación fundamental y clínica al registro de los medicamentos homeopáticos
18.15 – 18.30: Dr Jean Pierre Jansen , coordinador del subcomité de provings del ECH
El Proyecto de harmonización de los provings homeopáticos del ECH/LMHI
18.30 – 18.45: Dra Fruzsina Gabor, coordinadora del subcomité de farmacia del ECH
Contribución del ECH al HMPWG en 2013
18.45 – 19.00 Sra. Sato Liu, coordinadora del subcomité de pacientes y usuarios del ECH
La opiníón de los pacientes ante la disponibilidad de los productos medicinales homeopáticos
19.00 – 19.30: Mesa redonda con todos los ponentes, presidida por el Dr Todd Hoover (HPUS)(Farmacopea Homeopática de los Estados Unidos)
Perspectivas futuras para los productos medicinales homeopáticos en Europa.

Mme Marie-Anne MOUYART
Marie-Anne Mouyart, FAMHP, rapporteur of the HMPWG sub working group on Justification of Homeopathic Use.
The justification of homeopathic use in the context of the EU legislation on homeopathic medicinal products: a challenge for the future of homeopathy and the protection of the public health.
Taking into account the requirements of the Directive 2001/83/EC on medicinal products and in accordance with the criteria defined in the document “Points to consider on Justification of Homeopathic use”(HMPWG -Homeopathic Medicinal products Working Group- 2012)*, a first list of stocks for which the homeopathic use is considered justified has been adopted by the HMPWG after a public consultation on the HMA (Heads of Medicines Agencies) website .
One of the objectives of the HMPWG is to compile, as soon as possible, a list of justified stocks as comprehensive as possible.
Indeed due to the Principles of Homeopathy, in particular, the Similitude law, the future and quality of homeopathy is linked to the availability of a large number of well-defined stocks. Their quality must be guaranteed in order to produce safe homeopathic medicinal products.
We are faced to a big challenge which involves a lot of actors and needs the active collaboration of all of them (prescribers, pharmacists, industry, experts in different fields). All those actors and experts should be integrated in a large network including national and EU authorities.
The correct definition and characterization of the stocks and the justification of their Homeopathic use is a key element from which depends a lot of other aspects related to the quality and the safety assessment of the homeopathic medicinal products put on the market.
The HMPWG works thus also on the safety aspects and has already published documents related to the project FSD (First Safe Dilution) on the HMA website.
The outcome of the public consultation on the first list of Justified stock is taken as an example to illustrate the context we are faced to.
*HMPWG documents are available on the HMA Website http://www.hma.eu/79.html

Dr Renzo Galassi
Since 1985 Dr. Renzo Galassi has been member of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI).1990: Degree of "miembro correspondiente" of Homeopatia de Mexico a.c.October 2001:Dr Galassi was appointed Italian National Vice President of the LMHI for a triennial mandate and was re-appointed for a further triennial mandate in 2004.
He is one of the founder members of the F.I.A.M.O (Federazione Italiana delle Associazioni e dei Medici Omeopatici/Italian Federation of the Homeopathic Doctors Associations).
Since February 1999 he has been member of the non-conventional medicine committee as homeopathic expert doctor at the medical Association of Macerata. In 1989 along with few colleagues he created the Hahnemannian Homeopathic Academy of Marche Region which he still directs. He could thus promote triennial courses for doctors and annual courses for chemists.2007 he was appointed Prime General Secretary of the LMHI in Puebla, Mexico.2010 he was appointed Prime Vice President of the LMHI in Los Angeles, USA. In 2013 he was appointed PRESIDENT of the LMHI in Quito, Ecuador.
The LMHI definition of the homeopathic remedy
The presentation will be about the document initiated by Michel Van Wassenhoven and Amarylis Cesar on Homeopathic remedies’ definition. This document is, thanks to my initiative, under revision by our working groups as well as all the other statements of the LMHI. We are working to have better statements, with a more understandable language, with new addition of the new members of EC and members of the WGs.

Mr Nand De Herdt
Nand De Herdt graduated in Pharmacy at the University of Leuven (Belgium) in 1972. He followed postgraduated educations in Homeopathy in Liège – School of Dr. Clercx and the French homoeopathic doctor Gérard Guéniot (1978-1979), Industrial Pharmacist in Basel and Stuttgart (1984-1985) and Marketing in Leuven (1995-1996). He was dispensing chemist from 1972 until 1987. In 1988 he created the Weleda Company in Leuven - Belgium and stayed there as managing director until 1997. In 1998 Nand De Herdt moved to France to start the Central Registration Office of the Weleda Group. Since 1999 he is the European Affairs Officer for the Weleda Group. In 1999 he has been one of the co-founders of ECHAMP. Since the foundation he is a member of the ECHAMP Board of Management. From 2004 until 2009 Nand De Herdt has been the General Secretary of the Association. In April 2009 he was elected President of ECHAMP. He retired from all his professional functions in June 2013. Currently he still is active as independent consultant for EU CAM Affairs (Healthcare and Medicinal Products)
The homeopathic remedies’ availability
Since a couple of years availability of medicinal products is in the centre of the discussions in the European Union. A first report on the topic have been made by the Heads of Medicines Agencies http://www.hma.eu/221.html
The Health and Environment committee (ENVI) of the European Parliament made a report on the differences in costs and access to pharmaceutical products in the EU in 2010.
The European Commission has installed a so-called Platform on access to medicines in Europe. This platform has published several reports.
And last September the European Public Health Alliance has organised a conference in the European Parliament. http://www.epha.org/a/5809
Out of all these initiatives it became obvious that the regulatory environment and especially the lack of assessment capacities in the small and medium sized medicines agencies is one of the major reasons that equal availability and accessibility all over the EU is a major problem.
Homeopathic medicinal products were not yet in the scope of these reports and conferences. This might change in a next report from the European Commission which is planned to be made public still in 2013.

In January 2012 the European Commission ordered a preliminary study on the availability of medicinal products for human use at the London based consultancy office Matrix Insight
The objectives of the study are:
To collate data on the availability of medicinal products for human use across the EU.
To analyse the extent of unavailability problems, with a particular focus on small Member
To identify the causes of the problem in the different Member States facing availability issues.
To analyse how, and to what extent, recent changes to EU pharmaceutical legislation, and the modalities of application of regulatory requirements at EU or national level, have served to alleviate the problem.
Based on an ‘informal suggestion’ of Mr. John Dalli the former European Commissioner for health and consumer affairs ECHAMP started making such a study for homeopathic and anthroposophic medicinal products already in 2010.
With support of two independent surveys by PriceWaterhouseCoopers ECHAMP investigated in a very detailed way demand, availability, the European legislation and the regulatory environment. We found very interesting interconnections and four major deficits
The report summary concludes as follows:
The report represents a significant benchmark for analysis of this sector of the pharmaceutical industry in the EU. It is hoped it will initiate a discussion on the further actions needed to overcome the deficits of the enforcement of the implementation of rules for these products in the EU Member States, and, where needed, the disproportionate requirements and high administrative burden of the Community legislation. This is needed to guarantee not just the quality and safety but also the availability of homeopathic and anthroposophic medicinal products and to ensure freedom of choice for the tens of thousands of prescribers and many millions of users in the EU.
The full report has not been made public so far. It has been sent to the European Commission and to Matrix Insight before they started the work on their report in the first half of 2012. We can almost be sure that the ECHAMP report will serve as a basis for the chapter on homeopathic medicinal products which will be part of the Matrix Insight and European Commission report. Before the end of 2013 we can be sure about this.
For the first time an official European report will pay attention to the availability problems of homeopathic medicinal products in the European Union and in the Member States.

Mr Jack Hendrickx
Remedy Bank - A Model to ensure the Availability of Homeopathic Medicinal Products in Europe?
Summary :

Dr Michel Van Wassenhoven
Medical doctor (Université Catholique de Louvain) 1974
Electrocardiography (UCL) 1976 ; Specialist General Medicine (UCL) 1976
Homeopathic MD (Ecole Belge d’Homéopathie, Bruxelles) 1979
Founder and President of UNIO HOMEOPATHICA BELGICA 1986-2008
Founder of ECH (1991), coordinator research sub-committee 1994-2012
Belgian LMHI Vice President 1995-2007
GIRI member (Groupe International de Recherche sur l’Infinitésimal) since 1996,
GIRI Vice President since 1999
President of the Belgian registration committee for homeopathic medicinal products (Service Public Fédéral Santé publique) since 2002.
LMHI Secretary for Research 2007-2013
Organiser of the 63th LMHI congress of the LMHI in 2008 in Belgium.
Contribution of basic and clinical research to the registration of the homeopathic medicines.
The registration or the authorization of a homeopathic medicine in Europe requires various types of scientific data, among them, in particular the requirements relative to the justification of the homeopathic use which are clearly specified in a published document on the website of the HMA (Head of Medicine Agencies). These requirements of scientific documentation of the homeopathic use are coming in addition to the requirements for quality control and safety which remain naturally essential and are the object of other criteria also published on this website. General information and guidelines are also available on the website Eudralex and on the website of the EMA.
For the clinical aspects, the necessary data are, according to their availability, the provings and the clinical verifications published case by case or into specific traditional homeopathic books called " material medica ". All other forms of clinical and fundamental research allowing to better understand the mode of action of the homeopathic remedy are useful for a simplified registration, and compulsory for the complete registration procedure ending in an AMM ( marketing authorization) for this medicine. This presentation aims at presenting these various aspects of registration but also at underlining the last advances in basic research which should allow considering homoeopathy as being a part of the nano-medicine. This theme is considered in more and more publications in modern medicine but could have an implication (if confirmed) on the registration, GPP and delivery of the homeopathic medicines.
Dr Jean Pierre Jansen
Jean Pierre Jansen MD practices homeopathy, neural therapy and naturopathy in Groningen, The Netherlands, and is coordinator of the ECH Subcommittee for Provings since 2008.
The ECH/LMHI Harmonization Project on Homeopathic Provings
Homeopathic provings are essential for the development of new materia medica knowledge. It was one of the first systematic research designs in medicine, and in as early as 1835 the first context for serious placebo research in medicine as well.
The revival of homeopathy in the 1970's came with a re-evaluation of quality aspects of provings. Bayr's inclusion criteria for symptoms are a landmark publication (1986) for this development. Since the early 1990's there is a trend to introduce concepts from conventional trials into the design of provings. Jeremy Sherr's publication (1994) inspired many, resulting in hundreds of provings since. In parallel, many new approaches to patient case analysis developed, which played a certain role in the way that provings are seen.
A systematic review (2007) of provings until 1995 found problems, when seen from a conventional scientific point of view. However, millions of cases are helped worldwide based on 200 years of provings. Furthermore, the maturation of a remedy's materia medica depends also on the pitfalls during the phase of clinical verification, which in the end is the yardstick for the validity of a proving. Therefore the need for improvements must be answered in these perspectives.

The ECH Subcommittee for Provings published its Proving Guidelines in 2004, taking first and for all into account two centuries of homeopathic theory and proving experience, and integrating both legal regulations and universally accepted documents on human experiments. A common misunderstanding became apparent, leading to the publication in 2005 of a position paper, concluding that provings are not phase I trials. Gradually the ECH guidelines have helped many stakeholders, including regulatory bodies, to gain insight into the purpose and homeopathic logic of provings.

Since 2011 the LMHI published two editions of its Guidelines for Provings, starting from the ECH Guidelines but with various major and minor differences. In a globalising context it seems logical that ECH and LMHI cooperate, so that all stakeholders can rely on a common document that is supported by the homeopathic profession that produces and uses the results of provings. Therefore a harmonisation of ECH and LMHI guidelines for provings has been initiated, with the aim to publish the first harmonised edition during the LMHI Congress in Paris in July 2014.
During the presentation today a report about the results until now will be presented.
Dr. Ashley Ross is head of the department of homeopathy at Durban University of Technology, where he practices homeopathy, and is coordinator of the LMHI Working Group for Provings.
Dr. Ashley Ross on behalf of LMHI and Dr. Jansen coordinate the harmonisation of proving guidelines of LMHI and ECH.

Dr Fruzsina Gabor
Mrs Sato Liu
Dr Todd Hoover
Dr. Todd Hoover is present here as a representative from the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS). Dr. Hoover has been in homeopathic clinical practice and a Clinical Preceptor for Hahnemann Medical College for over 20 years. He is immediate past president of the American Institute of Homeopathy, current Trustee for the HPUS, Chair of the HPUS Provings committee, and current U.S. National Vice President for the Liga. Dr. Hoover has published research studies in both homeopathic and allopathic journals, and has presented lectures both in the U.S. and abroad on a wide array of homeopathic topics. Dr. Hoover led the development of the recently published Proving Guidelines for the HPUS and brings the insights gained through that development to our meeting today.